The Amazing Spider-Man is a 2012 American superhero film directed by Marc Webb, based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man. It is a reboot of the Spider-Man film franchise, portraying the character's origin story and his development into a superhero while still a high school student. The film stars Andrew Garfield in the title role as Spider-Man/Peter Parker, with Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy and Rhys Ifans as Dr. Curt Connors.
Development of the film began with the cancellation of Spider-Man 4 in 2010, ending director Sam Raimi's Spider-Man film series that had starred Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, and James Franco. Opting to reboot the franchise with the same production team, Sony Pictures Entertainment announced a July 2012 release date for The Amazing Spider-Man. James Vanderbilt was hired to write the script while Alvin Sargent and Steve Kloves helped fine-tune it. Pre-production involved auditioning many actors for the roles of Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, resulting in the casting of Garfield and Stone. Using Red Digital Cinema Camera Company's RED Epic camera, principal photography started in December 2010 in Los Angeles before moving to New York City. The film entered post-production in April 2011 with the film being shot in 3D with 3ality Technica and with James Horner contributing to the film score.
Theatrical release poster
Directed by Marc Webb
Produced by Avi Arad
Laura Ziskin
Matt Tolmach
Screenplay by James Vanderbilt
Alvin Sargent
Steve Kloves
Story by James Vanderbilt
Based on The Amazing Spider-Man by
Stan Lee
Steve Ditko
Starring Andrew Garfield
Emma Stone
Rhys Ifans
Denis Leary
Campbell Scott
Irrfan Khan
Martin Sheen
Sally Field
Chris Zylka
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